


时间:2018-01-31 15:13来源:本站 作者:本站編輯



久安電視國際傳媒集團Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc.) 是理事會管理下的非盈利機構,是美國紐約州政府和美國州教育局註冊批準的機構.,定位為網絡視頻媒體性質的新媒體機構,2014年7月獲美國國稅局批準成為501(c)(3) 免稅非贏利機構。 
  久安電視國際傳媒集團 2010年開始在聯合國報道NGO組織舉辦的各種公益活動,請點擊瞭解:聯合國首屆中文日各大媒體記者雲集報道 。2012年開始大量報道聯合國國家代表團及非政府組織舉辦的活動:請點擊了解:中國非物質文化遺產展演,姜昆率著名演員張鐵林、唐國強、郁鈞劍聯合國總部辦畫展;請點擊瞭解:以及2013年開始專訪聯合國副秘書長等官員、請點擊瞭解:聯合國總部大型活動的專門報道和采訪活動。這些均可以在 《久安電視國際傳媒集團》網站http://peaceevertvimg.org 和英文網站 《久安世界和平電視 》 www.worldpeaceever.tv   瀏覽。
久安電視國際傳媒集團是聯合國NGO(非政府組織)重大活動常年合作單位,請點擊瞭解:與人民日報海外網 以及請點擊瞭解:世界各國華文媒體、美國非華文媒體有著廣泛協作和聯系,具有國際傳媒的功能和影響力。
   久安電視國際傳媒集團是以宣傳報道聯合國活動新聞為主、社區新聞為輔的新聞媒體機構。請點擊了解:以舉辦新聞發布會為主,請點擊瞭解:參與或贊助非政府組織舉辦的各種活動 、請點擊瞭解: 協助有關機構在聯合國總部舉辦的活動 以及請點擊瞭解:在紐約重要外交場所舉辦的活動請點擊瞭解:同時報道社區重大的活動;請點擊瞭解:和本機構在社區舉辦的公益活動
久安電視國際傳媒集團請點擊瞭解: 倡導在聯合國舞臺上說中國的故事 並且與 請點擊瞭解:紐約大型媒體廣告機構聯手在時代廣場納斯達克大屏上推廣中國文化影響力以及中國企業、品牌走向國際。




久安電視國際傳媒集團英文網站為:久安世界和平電視 www.worldpeaceever.tv

   中文網站為:久安電視國際傳媒集團  http://peaceevertvimg.org/

   久安視訊連鎖網  www.peaceever.com 

    久安名人電視  http://www.peaceevercelebrity.tv/

    久安中華民族國際電視 www.peaceevereci.tv   

    久安福音視訊網  www.peaceever.org 



Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc. Brief Introduction

Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc. is a Shareholding non-profit organization. It is an organization approved by the US state of New York and New York State Board of Education; it is a new media company featured with online video media.  In 2013 registered as Peaceever  Gospel TV Network Inc. ; in July 2014 it was approved by IRS as eligible for 501(C)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organizations; in July 2015 it changed its name to Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc.

Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc. is committed to the exchange and cooperation among the world's different cultures, integrating video media resources around the world, using the most intuitive visual arts advocacy, reports, presents the splendid culture, music, art, politics, economy, science and technology, medical and other latest news and results of all nations.

Before Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc. registered as an agency, in 2008, we created a website to report community activities; since 2010 we began to report all kinds of public events organized by NGO at the United Nations, we are a frequent cooperation organization of United Nations NGO major events; we have a broad collaboration and linkages with world Chinese media and US non-Chinese Media; we are a functional and influential international media.

Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc. regards love and safeguarding world peace as the purpose; we strive to participate in and cooperate with the propaganda of affairs related to UN Millennium Project, Humanitarian aid, Women and children aid; and to promote the world different ethnic, different cultural backgrounds’ peaceful coexistence, develop together.

Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc.

English website:   www.worldpeaceever.tv 

Chinese website:  www.peaceever.com   www.peaceever.org    www.peaceevereci.tv 

Peaceever TV International Media Group Inc.is looking forward to establish  cooperative relationship with the media or cultural arts media organizations around the world, especially television and media, including cultural exchanges, media reports, press releases, making video products, DVD publishing, advertising, exhibitions , as well as publishing books and even tourism services, etc., which belongs to arts and culture industry categories; carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation, sharing and complementary of resource, exert advantage, to achieve a win-win situation.



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